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Doctor in White Coat with Stethoscope

Critical Illness Insurance

Coverage for 25 illnesses

what is Critical Illness Insurance

Insurance benefit that provides coverage against serious or life-threatening medical conditions covered under the plan. It provides a tax-free lumpsum living benefit amount so you can focus on your recovery.

living benefit that covers
25 Illnesses

Heart Related

Heart attack


Aortic surgery

Coronary surgery

Heart valve replacement

Cancer Related

Benign brain tumor

Life threatening cancer

Transplants & Disorders

Major organ transplant

Major organ failure on waiting list

Kidney failure


Aplastic anemia

Alzheimer’s disease

Motor neuron disease

Parkinson’s disease


Multiple sclerosis

Bacterial meningitis

Other Conditions

Severe burns

HIV infection


Loss of speech

Loss of limbs


Loss of autonomy

key Highlights


payment on diagnoses



Option for

Return of Premium (ROP) Rider

Access to

Best Doctors Advise

Use the amount to consider medical treatments that OHIP doesn't cover

Use the money to pay for anything that you wish

why Critical Illness is Important

Medical advancements over last two decades have significantly improved the survival rate of individuals.  Individuals suffering from critical illness conditions are more likely to survive and recover these days, which is great for all of us.  However, if you were diagnosed a medical condition then it may take significant emotional and financial toll on you and your family.


If you become sick with an illness covered under your Critical Illness Insurance Policy and survive the waiting period then the policy pays a lumpsum cash amount so you can focus on your treatments and recovery.

what is Return of Premium Rider

A Return of Premium (ROP) Rider can be purchased with your policy which allows you to get your full or partial premiums back. There are three types of riders that can be purchased with your policy.

Return of Premiums on Death: Premiums are returned if the insured dies within policy term without making a critical illness claim.

Return of Premiums on Expiry: Premiums are returned if the policy expires and the insured does not make critical illness claim.

Return of Premiums on Cancellation or Surrender:  Partial premiums are returned If the insured decides to surrender or cancel their policy during their policy term and no claim has been made.

Did you know?

Your Provincial Health Plan such as OHIP does not cover you for:​

  • Loss of Income

  • Living Expenses

  • Experimental Treatments

  • Specialty Medical Services

  • Medical Equipment

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